You are here: Chapter 8. Piping > Adding Pipe Labels

Adding Pipe Labels

Labelling of pipes, dimensions, assembly height etc.

The text function in DDS is found in the menu.

Labelling of pipes and objects.


Select a pipe, and press the button ”Symbol text” from the menu.  Each user can  decide how much info he wants.

Properties for pipe text.


You can create your own setup for what info you want about the pipe. First, press the ”Copy”  button.  Give the setup a recognizable name, and press ”Edit”

Config name.


Individual setup has been created. To edit, press ”Configure”.


Adaptation of individual text. In this example, we want the dimension to pre prefixed "D=" and a suffix of "mm".


To turn information on or off, double-click on the fields. Note the Pre-text and Post-text.  This is text that can be entered at the start or at the end of the info read from the drawing.


Dimension is read from the drawing.


See video of  the creation of an individual text setup and use in DDS-CAD

Click to see a video